Sunday 1 July 2012

DIY Tips: #6 How to fix a crumbled and messed-up hole for a rawl type plug using filler.

Fixing anything to a wall using brackets is really a simple task and should 
provide years of faithful service in holding up your books or knick-knackery. 
However if the wall is a bit crumbly or you are trying to use an old hole which 
has broken out and crumbled, you will need something to repair the mess.

You will need:
Fine Ready-Mixed filler (can use powdered but “Ready-Mix” is easier)
Spatula or filler knife (flatter, better finish than a thumb)
Fine grade sand paper
Electric or Hand Drill
Computer controlled robotic arm
Plastic rawl type plugs (I'd use the brown plugs although read task #5 first)
Masonry Drill bit size 6 - 7mm
A cross-head screw driver or drill attachment
Suitable screws (with brown rawl plugs I'd use 1.5” (either 8's or 10's))

First TIP: Old walls - made of rendered and plastered brick or lath & plaster - do sometimes crumble when you try to fix anything into them.

With a hole like the one in the picture, you will need to get the vacuum cleaner and suck all the dust and little bits of rubble out to leave a clean (if a little unsightly) hole in the wall. It is a good idea to use a teenager for this, if 
you have one around – it will help them to feel useful. They will probably 
“wander off-task” and start to experiment with sucking different things with the vacuum nozzle or sucking their hair although with a little nudging back onto task they should manage it without too much trouble.

Second TIP: If the hole is deeper than, say, a quarter of an inch (a few 
millimeters in metric) you should fill it in stages, allowing each stage and 
application of filler to harden before applying the next.

Press the filler as deep into the hole as you can, with your filler knife and in stages until the surface is level with the original wall and then smooth it off 
to a good finish by wetting the filler knife and running it over the repair 
(rather like icing a cake). Leave this a day or so to fully harden and cure.

Third TIP: It is best to leave a smooth finish with the filler knife, to save on hours of sanding once it has hardened.

Finish off the repair by gently sanding in a circular motion on and around the 
repair until the edges are all blended-in and flush with the original wall. Paint over the repair. You could consider using your handy teenager to hold the vacuum cleaner hose near where you are sanding to at least catch some of the dust – if you don't have a spare teenager, you will need to hold the vacuum hose in your 
teeth or under your chin.

Fourth Tip: To get a good flat finish to your sanding – wrap the sand-paper 
around a “noggin” of wood.

Now, you can drill into that repair and fix a rawl type plastic plug and screw as normal. I wouldn't hang my exercise equipment off it or use it as an abseil 
anchor point although it should be “pretty strong” say, for a nik-nak shelf or 
clock and what-have-you.

Alas, we didn't need the Computer Controlled Robotic Arm for this job either 
although in years to come they'll be everywhere so we need to get used to having them around.

Next week we shall look at how to fix into different types of walls, brick, 
block, lath and plaster and dry-lined. After this we will get into painting and wall-papering. Do let me know if you'd like me to suggest places to purchase 
tools and hardware needed for these DiY tasks and I'll see what I can do.

You can also read these DiY Tips and Tasks at >

Keep Safe Dave

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